Specialization courses
Specialization courses
Course contents: Distributed Information Retrieval (crawling, distributed indexes, link analysis). Distributed/peer-to-peer data and information management (in unstructured, structured, and self-organising environments). (Distributed) Information Filtering. Social data/information management. (Distributed) Digital libraries, Distributed/Palallel data computation (Map/Reduce, Hadoop, Pregel, Cassandra). Personalisation (user profiles, collaborative information filtering).
Assessment: The course grade will be based on programming projects (possibly involving a personal examination) and/or exercises (in-class or homework) that will jointly account for 40% of the final grade, survey and presentation of topics related to the course that will account for 30% of the final grade, and a 3-hour written examination that will account for the remaining 30% of the final grade. These percentages may vary (+/-10%) each year.